Worship Services

Sunday Mornings 10:00am

The people of God are called to assemble together for corporate worship. The pattern laid out in the Bible is to do so on Sunday, the first day of the week. As we gather on Sunday mornings, our goal is to worship God corporately. To accomplish this goal, we have scripture reading, prayer, singing, preaching, giving, and the Lord's supper every week.

Our preaching on Sunday mornings is plain (so that anybody can understand it). It is expository (so that the main idea of the text is the main idea of the sermon). It is sequential (so that we move from one passage in a particular book to the very next passage).

You do not have to be a member, a Baptist or even a Christian to join us for most of our service. However, when we partake of the Lord's Supper, if you are not a Christian, currently repenting of your sin and trusting in Christ for your salvation, we would ask that you not partake of the elements.